I have been fascinated with writing computer programs since I first saw my name flash across a CPM terminal way back in 1980. Since then, I've written software using every language and hardware platform that I could get my hands on, including a brief and painful foray into Fortran on a Vax system during college. I have a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Rutgers University and an M.S. in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology. So, if you don't have a CS undergrad degree, don't let that stop you from pursuing a career in software if you really love it.
Professionally, I have focused on data-centric applications for clients ranging from small business databases to large-scale systems for the U.S. Air Force. I also have experience with real-time combat systems and, more recently, game development. Currently, I am focused on the promise of mobility and developing connected applications for mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad.
When I can back away from the computer, I enjoy photography, travelling and spending time with my family. You can follow me on Twitter at @pwalessi.