
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Software design and Design Patterns

        As part of my day job, I have been participating in interviews for prospective job candidates. In performing these interviews, I have realized that there is a general lack of knowledge of object oriented programming principals in the candidates that we have interviewed.
        I am particularly surprised that most of the candidates have little or no knowledge of design patterns. So, I’ve decided to do a series of posts on this important topic. How many (or few) posts that I do on the topic are dependent on your feedback. If you feel like the topic is interesting and my posts are useful, let me know. If not, also let me know so that I can abort and spend my time writing about topics that are more interesting and/or relevant to you.
        First things first, if you haven’t already read it, log on to Amazon right now and pick up a copy of Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides. This is the undisputed bible of design patterns. The book is so well known that it is referred to as the GoF (Gang of Four) book. These guys coined the term “Design Pattern.” The book is well written and includes very readable plain language descriptions of the patterns, use cases for the patterns, UML diagrams that illustrate the design of the patterns and sample code that shows how to implement the patterns.
        You may be wondering why design patterns matter. Well, there are at least a couple of reasons why you should learn about design patterns, not the least of which is that you will probably be asked about them in your next interview if you claim to know about OO software design.
        First, design patterns provide a common vocabulary that you can use to communicate your designs to other developers. For example, when building applications that perform database access, I like to use a data access facade so that it is easy to change the underlying database without messing with other code. If you know what the Facade pattern is, you will immediately understand that I am talking about building an abstraction layer that provides a consistent interface to an underlying sub-component of a system, in this case the database. Don’t worry, I plan on covering the Facade pattern as the first in this series.
        Second, design patterns provide proven solutions for common software design problems. Have you ever built an application that used only one instance of a particular class, for example a settings object that maintains all of the user defined settings for your application? Did you implement this class yourself from scratch? How did you ensure that there was only a single instance of this class at any time in your program? This is the very definition of the Singleton design pattern. This pattern ensures that there is only a single instance of the class at any time and provides a global entry point for access to that class. The point here is that you do not need to come up with new designs if you recognize that a pattern exists that meets your needs. After all, isn’t one of the goals of OO programming reusability? Why not reuse the same proven designs that have been successfully implemented in thousands of other applications?
        If you are currently building iOS applications, whether you know it or not, you are already using design patterns. MVC, Model-View-Controller is a crucial pattern in iOS application architecture, one with which I am (almost) certain that you are already familiar. Delegation is another pattern that, while not documented in the GoF book, is well understood and prevalent in the iOS framework. My point is that you have nothing to fear. Patterns are your friend. Embrace patterns and your applications will be more robust, scalable and modular making it easier for you to enhance them in the future.
        Next time, I’ll delve into the Facade pattern. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments if you think that this is a topic that I should continue to explore.